The 1970 Walt Disney classic, The Aristocats, followed three kittens and their mother across the Parisian countryside after being cat-napped from their home. Marie, the only daughter of the bunch, holds a pink heart in this sweet Jim Shore figurine. Figurine3.5in HJim Shore Disney Traditions Collection - AristocatsBeautifully hand-painted and crafted from high-quality stone resin with intricate styling and attention to detailJim Shore's unmistakable style evokes a sense of nostalgia with traditional themes, quilt patterns and design motifs inspired by American and EuropeanPackaged in individual box with photo on front3.5 in H Product Details Material: Resin Measurements: 3.5in H x 2.5in W x 3in L Wt. 0.33 lbs UPC Code: 028399302765
Jim Shore Disney Traditions Marie w/Heart Aristocrats Valentine's Day 6010107
- 28399302765